How To Stop Birds
From Nesting In Your Awning

The Top 6 Ways

By Richard Worden

When nesting season arrives, birds search for quiet, safe places to live, and your awning could be a desirable home for them. Unfortunately, birds can be troublesome if nesting in your awning because they can cause damage and create unwanted noise. So, here is how to stop birds from nesting in your awning.

To stop birds from nesting in your awning, consider using a scary object, like a scarecrow or fake predator. You can also use bird repellent, bird spikes, play loud noises, place mesh material around the awning, or get a pet. Dogs and cats are predators, so birds want to stay away from them.

This article will discuss how to stop birds from nesting in your awning in more detail. Keep reading to learn more!

How to stop birds nesting in your awning

6. Use Scary Objects

Birds scare easily, so consider buying or making a scarecrow to keep them away from your awning. If a bird is in an environment that suddenly changes due to the addition of a scarecrow, it will become wary and may want to go somewhere else that feels safer.

However, scarecrows don’t always work–you must maintain them and devote much of your time to them. Plus, some birds may be scared initially but then realize that it isn’t causing any danger, so you’ll need to think of something else if that happens.

You don’t have to limit it to scarecrows. A fake predator (like an eagle) could be an excellent deterrent for birds. If birds see what looks like an eagle or other predator in the vicinity, they will quickly turn around and find somewhere else because they’ll think they’re in danger. 

Birds are also confused and scared by reflective objects, so you can use anything reflective to deter them. This could include:

  • Mirror
  • CD
  • Reflective tape
  • Aluminum foil

No matter what object(s) you choose, place them near or around the awning. If they’re too far away, they may not be as effective.

5. Use Repellent Mixtures and Sprays

Consider repellents when thinking about how to stop birds from nesting in your awning. You can buy repellent sprays online or in hardware stores, but you can also make your own if you have the time. 

Bird repellents are generally not toxic or dangerous for birds–they simply keep birds away due to their smells, so they’re a safe way to keep your awning free from pests.

If making your own, you can use chili peppers, vinegar, and water and place them in a spray bottle. Then, spray the mixture around the awning–this should deter birds, especially if you frequently reapply it.

4. Use Spikes

Spikes are other things you can use to keep birds from nesting in your awning. You wouldn’t want to sleep in a bed with uncomfortable spikes, and a bird wouldn’t either. 

So, if you place a bunch of spikes on your awning, birds won’t be able to get comfortable, and they’ll have to look elsewhere for a nesting area. Spikes aren’t cruel because they don’t harm birds in any way. Like the other methods mentioned in this article, spikes deter birds rather than kill or hurt them.

You could create spikes using plastic or fencing materials, but purchasing some online or in a hardware store is easier and less time-consuming.

3. Play Noises

Birds don’t like loud noises, especially if they think it’s coming from a predator’s mouth. Consider playing predator sounds on a speaker to scare birds away, as they won’t want to risk nesting somewhere they believe to be a danger to them and their babies.

You could also play loud music, but this could bother the neighbors if you do it all day or too late at night. Other sounds that scare birds away include:

  • High-frequency ultrasonic sounds
  • Ultrasonic bird repellers
  • Sonic bird repellers

If you try to use sound to keep birds from nesting in your awning, keep the speaker close enough to the awning.

2. Place Mesh Material Around the Awning

Mesh material–also known as netting–is another cruelty-free and excellent way to keep birds from nesting in your awning. The mesh material acts as a barrier between the bird and the awning, so they will decide to go elsewhere if they can’t get in correctly.

Plus, the mesh material is uncomfortable for birds, meaning they won’t want to sleep or stay there very long.

1. Get a Pet

Of course, getting a pet is a big commitment, and you should never get a pet if the only purpose is to scare birds away. But if you’ve been thinking of getting one for a while now (especially a cat or dog), it would have the added benefit of scaring away birds.

Dogs and cats are predators, so birds naturally want to stay away from them. Birds will be more likely to stay away from the area if you have a dog or cat running around your yard throughout the day.

Best Bird Repellent Products

If you still want to know how to stop birds from nesting in your awning, consider purchasing some products on Below, I’ll discuss some highly useful things that you can buy right now:

owl decoy

CTREE Owl Decoy
from Amazon

This owl decoy will make birds think there’s a real owl near your awning, so it’s likely to keep them away. It’s weatherproof, so you can keep it in your yard all year long without getting damaged or worn.

spray repellant

Bonide Repels-All Animal Repellent

from Amazon

This repellent is non-toxic but keeps pesky birds and other animals away from your awning. It’s ready to use, so you don’t need to mix or prepare anything. All you need to do is spray it around your awning and allow it to do its job!

bird spikes

OFFO Bird Spikes
from Amazon

These bird spikes are humane and excellent for deterring birds. They are long-lasting, lasting up to 15 years (no matter the climate), so they’re worth the money!

How To Stop Birds From Nesting In Your Awning...Conclusion

After reading this article, you should have a better idea of how to stop birds from nesting in your awning. Be sure to try out some of the products mentioned to keep pests away.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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  3. How To Stop Birds From Nesting In Your Awning