How To Stop Birds
Destroying Lawn

By Richard Worden

Birds are magnificent creatures and beneficial to humans since they consume unwanted pests, such as rodents, and insects, such as mosquitoes. However, these intelligent avians can wreak havoc on your yard, especially when present in large numbers. Fortunately, there are ways to stop birds from from doing so, and most of these methods are straightforward on how to stop birds from destroying lawn.

Stop birds from destroying your lawn by first removing their food source. Next, install predator decoys in or around your yard and move them every couple of days. Then, hang shiny objects, like reflective tape or wind chimes. Finally, invest in a motion-activated sprinkler system.

This article explores how you can stop birds from destroying your yard. It also dives into why birds peck at lawns and how to get them to stop digging in your grass. Read on to learn more.

How to stop bird destroying lawn

1. Remove the Birds’ Food Source

Significant lawn damage can occur quickly when birds present in large numbers or when the species of bird is particularly large (e.g., crows, blackbirds, starlings, etc.). In most cases, birds congregating and pecking at your lawn typically indicate a significant grub population. By eliminating the grubs from the yard, you remove the food source and subsequently stop the birds from destroying your property.

Here’s how to determine if you have a grub problem:

  1. Locate an area of damaged grass.
  2. Access the soil beneath a small patch using a sod cutter.
  3. Examine the area, looking for larvae.

The grubs live within the top layers of soil. They’re gray or pale-colored with curved bodies. If you have a significant infestation, you may see multiple grubs in the area you lifted.

Over time, grubs can weaken the grass, leading to significant root damage. The problem is exacerbated by constant bird pecking, leading to clumps of dead, overturned grass.

Prevention is the best way to deal with grubs. Limit moisture, avoid excessive aeration, and introduce beneficial nematodes. If the problem is already significantly out of hand, you may need to invest in a grub control product, such as imidacloprid. Alternatively, you can contact a professional pest control company. 

When treating your lawn, don’t go crazy trying to eliminate every type of insect — remember that some insects are beneficial to your lawn and help maintain an ecological balance.

2. Invest in Predator Decoys

Another method to deter birds from pecking at and destroying your lawn is to invest in predator statues or other decoys. Some common predators of birds include: how to stop birds destroying lawn.

  • Hawks
  • Owls
  • Coyotes
  • Dogs
  • Raccoons
  • Snakes

If you can find realistic, life-size, weather-resistant props depicting one or more of the above animals, it may help you with your bird problem.

Remember that birds are quite intelligent. If you leave the decoys stationary, the birds will catch on and realize the statue is a fake — and the last thing you want is to wake up to birds pecking away at your yard while their friends casually build a nest on top of your coyote prop. So, move predator decoys around every few days!

I recommend the OWLDecoy Owl Decoy Fake, available on Amazon. This owl decoy features a rotatable head that moves with the wind, giving a realistic appearance. It is weather-resistant and measures 15-inches tall and 6-inches wide.

3. Hang Shiny Objects

To deter birds and prevent them from destroying your lawn, try hanging shiny objects in and around your yard. Streamers, tape, and reflective wind chimes typically work well.

The wind causes these reflective objects to move about. As they move, they reflect sunlight, which gives the illusion of movement to birds watching from above, deterring them from landing in the area.

I recommend the Owlery Silver Holographic Tape, available on Amazon. This reflective ribbon is 1-inch thick and comes in a 500-foot roll at an affordable price point. It’s non-toxic and harmless to birds. You can easily cut the tape to create ribbons to hang from trees, awnings, or wherever you need to deter avians.

Flashing lights and mirrors may also repel birds, though lights tend to work during dawn and dusk, and mirrors work best on clear days. Gazing globes also work to deter birds. 

For garden gazing globes, I recommend the Alpine Corporation Gazing Globe, available on Amazon. The company offers several different colors of 10-inch diameter globes that may work well at deterring birds and look beautiful in gardens. They’re made with weather-resistant glass and a rubber neck.

4. Install a Motion Sensor Irrigation System

If all the above methods fail, there’s one foolproof solution to stop birds from destroying your lawn, and that’s by investing in a motion-activated sprinkler system. There are hundreds of motion-activated irrigation systems on the market.

The best part about motion-sensing sprinklers is that they are harmless to birds, and they can actually benefit your grass. Some homeowners worry that recurrent visits from birds will lead to overwatering. Fortunately, however, avians learn quickly; once the birds realize the sprinkler is going to make noise and spray them, they’ll likely avoid returning.

Be forewarned though that dogs as well as kids walking/playing on your lawn will get a bath too!

I recommend the Black + Decker Motion Activated Sprinkler, available on Amazon. This solar-powered sprinkler hooks up to your standard water hose. It detects motion within a 30-foot radius. It creates a clicking noise and sends out a jet stream upon activation to deter pests.

Why Are Birds Pecking in My Lawn?

Birds pecking in your lawn indicates an abundant food source, such as worms, larvae, or insects. Worms are beneficial, whereas excessive larvae, grubs, or insects may cause damage to your lawn that’s exacerbated by bird activity. Eliminating the pests may stop the birds from destroying your lawn.

Treating the yard depends on the type of infestation you’re dealing with. You’ll need to inspect the yard or call a professional pest control company to examine the property.

Grubs, in particular, aren’t a good sign for homeowners who want to keep their grass in pristine condition. These larvae can cause significant root damage, and they regularly attract birds. Birds poke holes in the soil and overturn dirt in search of the tasty grubs.

How Do I Stop Birds Digging up My Soil?

Stop birds from digging up your soil by first eliminating their food source to keep them away. Next, use bird deterrents, such as predator decoys or reflective tape. One of the best methods for keeping birds out of your yard is by investing in a motion sensor-activated sprinkler system.

The most effective bird deterrence involves a combination of methods.

How To Stop Birds Destroying Lawn...Conclusion

Birdwatching is a rewarding pastime, but watching birds dig up your lawn is not. Fortunately, you needn’t sit around and observe as avians wreak havoc on your turf — you can take back control. The best ways to stop birds from destroying your lawn include:

  • Removing the birds’ food source by eliminating grub infestations.
  • Setting up realistic decoys to stop birds from landing in your yard.
  • Hanging reflective tape or other shiny objects to scare birds away.
  • Investing in a motion-activated sprinkler system to ward off birds that land in your grass.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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  3. How To Stop Birds Destroying Lawn