How To Keep Birds
Out of Dog Food and Water

By Richard Worden

Birds are majestic, intelligent, and entertaining animals, but these avians can become quite the pest when they infiltrate your dog’s food and water supply. Knowing how to keep birds out of dog food and water is essential to ensure your canine companion isn’t coming into contact with bird droppings and, subsequently, potentially dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Keep birds out of dog food and water by feeding the dog in a covered area. Invest in decoys, shiny or reflective objects, or make a do-it-yourself bird-repellent spray. Programmable dog feeders and water bottles make it hard for birds to access a dog’s food and water compared to traditional bowls.

In this article, you’ll learn four steps to keeping birds out of your furry friend’s food and water to maintain their overall health and well-being. Read on to learn more.

How to keep birds out of dog food and water

1. Feed Your Dog in a Covered Area

The easiest way to keep avians out of your dog’s food and water is to feed your canine in an area not easily accessed by birds. Open areas, such as the middle of the yard, under trees, or near gardens, are prime spots for birds to swoop down, grab a bite of chow, drink, or take a dip in your pet’s water bowl.

Instead, feed your dog on a covered porch or deck. If there aren’t any protected areas where birds are less likely to frequent, consider creating a covered eating area for your canine companion. You can set up a canopy or small shade tent for this purpose.

I recommend the PupUp Canopy Instant and Portable Dog House and Shelter, available on Amazon. This large dog tent features a sturdy metal frame with a canopy that slides easily over the top. It sits on the ground to provide a covered eating space for your furry friend, making birds less likely to dive down to eat your pet’s food.

Of course, not all birds are deterred by a covered space, so it’s important to incorporate other methods as well to guarantee that the feathered creatures keep away from your dog’s food and water.

Consider Feeding the Birds Separately

Another thing to consider is feeding the birds, too. Giving the avians their own eating space on the opposite side of the yard from where you feed your dog should keep the two species separated. Hang bird feeders and set up a bird bath on one end, and keep your dog’s food and water bowls on the other side.

2. Use Bird Deterrents

If you’re trying to keep birds out of dog food and water and away from your yard entirely, consider investing in bird deterrents. There are hundreds of different bird deterrents available, including predatory decoys, flash tape, gazing balls, and bird-repellent sprays.

Bird-Deterring Decoys

Realistic, life-size predator decoys may be enough to keep birds away from your yard and out of your dog’s food and water.

Some common predators of birds include:

  • Owls
  • Hawks
  • Eagles how to keep birds out of dog food and water
  • Snakes
  • Cats
  • Coyotes

There are many statues and moveable decoys of the animals listed above available in garden stores and online.

If you want to make things as realistic as possible, research the species of bird that comes into your yard. After determining the species, look up its common predators. Find out which of those predators live in your area, and then find a decoy representing it. 

You must move decoys often. Birds are intelligent animals, so if the decoy sits still for a week, they’ll realize it’s a fake. So, adjust the positioning of the decoy once every few days. This keeps the birds guessing — where will the predator be next? — and hopefully on edge enough to stay away.

I recommend the Dalen Fake Owl Decoy, available on Amazon. This 16-inch owl decoy is realistic and mimics the details of a real owl to provide effective dissuasion that doesn't harm wildlife.

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Patios and decks are popular places for owners to put their dogs food and water. My article How To Keep Birds Away From Patio Deck, along with the tips in this article can help!

Shiny, Reflective, Flashy Objects

It’s widely known that birds dislike shiny, reflective objects, though it’s not understood why. Most theories hinge on the idea that avians fear their own reflection because they fear other birds. Some suggest the illusion of movement in the reflective objects is mistaken for predators.

No matter the reason why shiny objects dissuade birds from landing nearby, we know they keep birds away. The problem is that they only work well on sunny days. So, if you choose to use shiny, flashy objects to keep birds out of dog food and water, you’ll have to invest in other deterrents or utilize other methods when it’s rainy, overcast, or dark.

Bird-Repellent Sprays

There are mixed reviews online regarding commercial bird repellent sprays, but there are many homemade variations with promising results. Some of the best do-it-yourself solutions involve ingredients such as vinegar, chili peppers, and peppermint oil, among others.

When spraying these solutions, you’ll have to take care not to spray them in areas where your dog frequents. If your dog licks the solution, it could cause a burning sensation in its mouth and mucous membranes, particularly when using chili pepper.

So, when using these DIY sprays, spray them on fence posts, raised gardens, and other high areas where birds swoop down first to access your dog’s bowls. Never use it directly on food and water bowls or the ground where your dog walks.

DIY Bird-Repellent Spray


  • 1 TBSP cayenne pepper
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ½ gallon water


  • Medium mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Spray bottle


 1. Add a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to a medium mixing bowl.
 2. Pour ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into the bowl. Whisk together.
 3. Mix in ½ gallon of warm water.
 4. Pour the solution into a bottle with a spray nozzle.
 5. Shake the bottle well.
 6. Spray the solution on fence posts and raised flower beds where birds   frequent.

 Note: Avoid spraying on areas where your dog walks. Do not spray on  your dog’s food and water bowls. Store at room temperature and shake well before every use. For best results, spray after every rain or once a  week.

3. Try a Programmable Feeder

Programmable feeders allow you to feed your dog on a schedule, preventing food from sitting in a bowl all day and giving birds easy access. The device automatically drops food into the bowl at a pre-set time.

The main issue with these feeders is that they’re not typically weatherproof, so they’re not ideal for outdoor use in areas with extreme climates. Most models don’t withstand rain, so you’ll need to use it in a covered area, such as on a porch.

I recommend the WUIPET Elevated Automatic Dog Feeder, available on Amazon. It can feed up to four meals per day, and you can adjust the schedule using the built-in LED panel. It offers a plug-in option or batteries for power.

4. Opt for a Dog Water Bottle

On hot days, don’t be surprised to come home and see birds using your dog’s water bowl as their personal private pool. While it may be humorous at first, it’s not funny once you realize that the birds could expose your dog to viruses and bacteria.

One of the best ways to keep birds out of dog food and water is to train your dog to use a hanging water bottle. These water bottles function just like hamster and guinea pig water bottles, with the main difference being that dog versions are much bigger and allow more water to come through.

I recommend the Choco Nose Patented No-Drip Dog Water Bottle, available on Amazon. It keeps your dog’s water clean and prevents birds from accessing it. You can easily attach it to a fence or another surface using the screw-on or nail-on bracket, giving your dog easy access to hydration.

How To Keep Birds Out Of Dog Food And Water...Final Thoughts

Although birds are wonderful to watch as they fly about your yard, once they begin interfering with your pet’s food and water, they can become a nuisance. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to keep birds out of dog food and water. Taking these measures allows your pet to enjoy its food and water without the potential for contamination with viruses, bacteria, bird feathers, and droppings.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

  1. We Know Birds HOME
  2. How To Scare Away Birds From Your House Or Garden
  3. How To Keep Birds Out of Dog Food and Water