How To Keep Birds Away Naturally

7 Ways To Repel Birds Without Harming Them 

By Richard Worden

Birds' presence in your yard can be entertaining, from their nuanced non-stop chirps to their thoroughly rehearsed dance moves. Regardless, there are many reasons why you may not want them in your yard at any time, so if you’re wondering how to keep birds away naturally, read on…

You can keep birds away naturally by hanging shiny objects on your property. These will reflect sunlight into their eyes, driving them away but not hurting them. Also, sprinkling baking soda on places they perch discourages them from revisiting because they hate the feeling between their toes.

There are times when birds can become pests, especially when you have a stunning porch garden. In this article, I’ll share creative ways to deter birds without hurting them from your property.

how to keep birds away naturally

7. Place Shiny Or Sharp Items Around Your Home

There are many theories about birds being afraid of their reflection, and while we can't confirm that, we are sure that shiny objects reflect sunlight into birds' eyes. It will be too bright for them to ignore, so they'll keep away from such areas in the future.

Hang them around your property or only places they usually perch on, including fences, tree branches, and decks. If you love remodeling, you can find creative ways to make them aesthetically pleasing yet practical.

Here are some popular reflective objects people use:

There are no limits to what you can use as long as it is shiny enough for the job. After some time, some of these items' reflectiveness may fade away, so ensure you replace them before a bird flock notices.

6. Get Rid of Their Nests

Firstly, check in with your local animal control or research online to understand your area's laws regarding removing nests.

In most cities in the United States, it is illegal to bother nests with offspring, and the consequences may be severe. However, you can call the necessary department, who will visit or guide you about a suitable way around.

If there are no eggs in nests and local laws permit removing them from your property, don't hesitate to remove them. Not dealt with, it can grow into a whole territory, with multiple birds nesting, and there'll be no going back when it reaches a worrying extent. 

When the birds have become accustomed to your property, they may attempt to build more as you dispose of them, but don't get tired. The bird will eventually give up to accommodate elsewhere.

To remove nests:

  1. Wear rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. Spray it with an antibacterial spray.
  3. Transfer it when dry into a sealed trash bag.
  4. Dump it in the trash can.
  5. If it was on your property, wash the area with a disinfectant.
  6. Dispose of your gloves and wash your hands thoroughly

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I've written an entire article going into much greater detail as to how to remove a birds nest here.

5. Sprinkle Baking Soda, Spices, or Duct Tape on Their Perching Areas

If you've noticed that birds customarily perch on your fences, railings, or window sills, sprinkle some baking soda there.

They don't like the feeling of the powder between their toes, so they'll likely search for other areas to relax. A few sprinkles should be adequate, but don't hesitate to add more if needed.

You can also use spices to ward birds off, as they hate their scent. You can use spices such as: how to keep birds away naturally

  • Black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Chili powder

If you have more time, wrap them in cheesecloths and hang them around the house. You'll need to replace them continually as they lose potency.

Lastly, birds don't like the feeling of duct tape's sticky side on their feet, so set them wherever they perch.

4. Strategically Position Fake Predators in Your Yard

No one likes avoiding trouble more than birds, so this is a fun, harmless method to deter them from your property naturally. 

Some bird predators they evade include:

You can place plastic replicas of these animals around your property. Owls can be on the fence or roof, snakes on the ground, and raccoons on the trees.

Wherever they are, ensure they are conspicuous enough for the birds to see. If you have limited plastics, place them in areas where you've noticed their presence the most. You can also make scarecrows.

Ensure you move them as often as possible because birds may realize they are fake if they remain stationary 24/7. 

Please do not use live predators, regardless of the case. Always keep your cats inside because your goal is not to get birds hurt or killed.

3. Scare Them Away With Sounds

You can augment your fake objects with sounds to keep birds away naturally.

For example, since birds usually make distress sounds whenever a predator lurks, playing such sounds from a speaker will further fool them. They'll feel your house is unsafe for them and fly far away from the vicinity.

Go online, search for their distress calls, and download them. Play them for as long as needed to keep them at bay, especially when they regularly visit.

If you can't afford a speaker, a wind chime's subtle & sudden noise can prevent birds from feeling at home on your property. It'll be most effective under windy conditions, though.

2. Ensure There Isn’t Any Food Source Around Your Home

Birds need to feed to survive, so it's not surprising they're looking for food on your property.

If you're the type that doesn't throw out the trash properly or you expose the bins, you will attract more birds than Snow White.

Consider the following to lower the chances of birds finding food in your home:

  • Purchase a suitable trash bin with a cover. Always enclose all trash within it.
  • Thoroughly clean up the environment and equipment (like a grill) after every outdoor meal.
  • Remove any leftovers from feeding pets outdoors, especially seeds.
  • Don't provide them food on a bird feeder or by growing a native plant that'll eventually house surplus insects and worms.

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Dog and cat food left out are an easy meal for hungry birds. Check out my article How To Keep Birds Out Of Dog Food And Water to discourage birds from visiting.

1. Deny Their Access to Your Swimming Pool

Unfortunately, shelter and food sources aren't the only factors that attract birds to your property. Birds are also attracted to water. Especially in winter, liquid isn't readily available, so your pool is just the utopia they crave. 

However, if you don't grant them access to the pool, they'll look for others in your neighbors' properties.

You can run a fishing line high above the pool in a crisscross pattern without any space for them to pass through. Or you can hang the wire on trees or other immovable objects around, so even when birds pass through, it won't be as effortless as before, discouraging them from returning. 

Also, if you've installed sprinklers around your pool before, turn them on whenever the avians come around. It should annoy them just enough to look for better water bodies.

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I've written a whole article dedicated to How To Keep Birds Away From Your Pool which offers additional bird repelling insight.

How To Keep Birds Away Naturally...Conclusion

You may not want birds close to your property for many reasons, including pest activity in your garden or droppings in your yard.

However, you don't want to hurt or kill them, so consider these methods to deter them naturally:

  • Hang shiny objects around
  • Dispose of their nests
  • Sprinkle baking soda wherever they perch
  • Place & continually move fake predators or scarecrows on your property.
  • Use sounds to scare them away.
  • Minimize food sources around your home
  • Use fishing wire or sprinklers to protect your swimming pool.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

  1. We Know Birds HOME
  2. How To Scare Away Birds From Your House Or Garden
  3. How To Keep Birds Away Naturally