What To Feed Crows
To Make Friends

By Richard Worden

Most animal lovers of dogs and cats will find no shortage of information on how to train their pets and create a close bond. That information is much harder to come by regarding undomesticated animals. In the case of crows, forming a bond may not be as easy unless you regularly offer them food. 

If you're wondering what to feed crows to make friends, you can feed them seeds, fruits, or insects from a crow-friendly bird feeder. A crow’s diet consists mainly of seeds and fruits. However, different varieties of crows are also known to eat insects and small reptiles.

Although it may take some time, building a relationship with a crow is not at all impossible. So, in this article, I’ll give you some ideas for snacks that crows love and offer advice on how to feed them. I’ll also tell you more tips to help you make a corvid friend. 

What to feed Crows to make friends

What Should You Feed Crows?

According to Joe Lowe, writing for the American Bird Conservancy, the average American crow is an “omnivorous opportunist,” meaning that it will eat almost anything. 

Because of this, it should be pretty easy to get your hands on something that a crow finds appetizing. When it comes to crows, there is no shortage of options. Fruits and Seeds

Although there are dozens of different species of crows, they primarily eat wild fruits and seeds. This means that you can feed crows things like:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Grains

This list is not exhaustive, so you may be able to use any other kinds of edible seeds, nuts, and fruits that you have in your pantry.


The other thing that you can feed crows is insects. While you might not have insects like dragonflies on hand, you can purchase things like dehydrated mealworms in bird food sections at most stores. Otherwise, you will surely be able to find pre-packaged insects at pet shops. 

Human Food

If all else fails, take some food from your pantry. Crows are not too picky with food and enjoy things like: 

  • Fries
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Crackers

Crows eat these items mainly due to the accessibility of food in more densely populated areas. 

More Tips on How To Make Friends With Crows

Most people know that dogs are man’s “best friend,” but that same ideology is lost on almost every other species. 

However, based on observations from ecologists, crows have the intelligence necessary to form a bond with a human that feeds them. 

According to Jilian Mock, writing for the National Audubon Society, crows often engage in a behavior called “gifting.” Gifting happens when crows leave behind objects for people who feed them. 

However, you might wonder, how do you even get to that point with a bird? Below you’ll find several ways to go from a stranger to a trusted pal with a crow. 

Study Them

As with anything else you want to become familiar with, studying is an essential part of the process. If you’re looking up “what to feed crows to make friends,” the odds are that you are somewhere in the process of getting to know these interesting creatures. 

One of the essential things to learn about is the crow’s level of intelligence. According to Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., crows have some interesting characteristics, including that crows:

  • Have the intelligence of a 7-year-old human child
  • Use tools
  • Recognize human faces
  • Recall events occurring

The fascinating mind of a crow doesn’t stop there. If you want to know even more about crows, check out the video below on University of Washington professor John Marzluff’s discussion on these intriguing creatures. 

Build Trust

Now that we’ve established that crows are sentient beings capable of forming a friendship bond, the next step is building trust. 

This is one of the most critical steps because crows use their memories for migration and survival. They are known to pass this information on to their offspring. 

By regularly feeding crows and respecting them, you’ll eventually get to know each other better and make friends. 

Crows are only scared of you because they worry you will harm them, so if you convince them you are not a threat, they’ll eventually warm up to you. 

Crow on a perch

The surest way to a Crows heart is thru it's stomach, there's still other ways to attract Crows and that's to offer them things they like! That's where this article comes in handy when looking for things Crows like.

Crow-Friendly Feeders

Investing in a bird feeder is one of the best plans you can make. 

A bird feeder will give any crows in your area a consistent place to stop by for food and ultimately start building trust among you because of their memory. 

Some of the best feeders for crows include:

  • Tube feeders: Tube feeders are precisely that – a tube. These long, round feeders deliver as much bird feed as possible without requiring you to fill it constantly. They are relatively squirrel resistant and typically transparent so that birds see that food is available.
  • Suet feeders: Suet feeders are for birds that prefer to peck at large chunks of food. The feeder encloses a large piece of food in a cage-like container but is sturdy enough so that it can withstand the force of a hungry bird.
  • Hopper feeders: When you think of a typical bird feeder, you probably imagine something like a hopper feeder. Hopper feeders have an authentic “birdhouse” look and typically have several access points for feed. Hopper feeders may do best with smaller birds, but if you get one that is large and sturdy enough for your average crow, it could work.

Since crows are intelligent creatures, the complexity of the feeder may not present an issue. However, the real question is whether you are worried about other animals taking the food otherwise meant for your avian companion.

Crow on a perch

Feeders always attract Crows, but they're not all the same. Check out this article of ours that gives feeder recommendations as well as their Pros and Cons.

What To Feed Crows To Make Friends...Conclusion

If you’re interested in making friends with crows, make sure that you consider that crows are intelligent enough to build trust or distrust. So, you’ll want to study crows, build trust with them, and feed them the foods they like. This’ll have you well on your way to making friends with crows.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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