What Do Sparrows Like?

27 Top Questions Answered

By Richard Worden

If you’ve seen small brown birds flitting about in your backyard or perched atop a telephone wire, then they’re most likely sparrows. As one of the most widespread birds across the world, it might be easy to assume their importance to the ecosystem and their unique needs. But what do sparrows like? 

Sparrows are omnivores and like to eat a variety of seeds, grains, insects, and worms. They like peanuts, mealworms, sunflower seeds, bananas, dandelions, corn, and suet cakes. Sparrows are also attracted to birdbaths and birdhouses as they like water very much.

Although small, sparrows are exciting creatures with different likes and dislikes. This article will explore all the things that sparrows like. Let's get started, first with our Edible Things list then our Inedible Things list.

what do sparrows like

What Do Sparrows Like
Edible Things…A-Z

Do Sparrows Like Apples?

Sparrows are not fond of apples so much as berries. Some people say that sparrows will eat apples if they are hungry enough, while others believe that birds prefer other food items. However, you can always add apple slices to the bird feeder to see if sparrows eat them.

If worms and insects are scarce around and there are no berries, sparrows will go for fruits like bananas, apples, and figs but not always. 

So if you're looking to attract them to your yard with fresh fruits, you might want to try offering them some apple slices or an apple cut in half but never with the core. what do sparrows like

Do Sparrows Like Bananas?

Sparrows are known to eat various fruits and berries, so they would likely enjoy the sweetness of a banana. These tiny brown birds enjoy mashed bananas as a good source of potassium.

If you've seen a sparrow eating a banana, you might have wondered if they actually like the taste or are just trying to get some nutrients. You can add some slices of a ripe banana or some pieces of mashed bananas in the feeder to check.

Do Sparrows Like Bread?

Bread provides birds like sparrows with the carbohydrates they need for energy and some protein and fat. But it's not an easy food for them to digest. They usually prefer breadcrumbs over whole bread, which are hazardous for the nestlings.

While fresh bread is always best, any bread will do but never a stale or moldy one. Sparrows face difficulties digesting bread. So if you're looking to attract sparrows to your yard, putting out a little bit of bread (along with some water) is a good way to do it. 

Pro Tip: Never give soaked bread to a baby sparrow as it swells up in the stomach, making the birdie uncomfortable and choked.

Learn More Sparrow 1

It's always good to know in advance about the things birds can eat before offering it to them. We've written a lengthy, informative article on this topic which is a great resource if you're in doubt.

Do Sparrows Like Cheese?

Unlike milk, sparrows are attracted to cheese. They are most fond of harder cheeses like cheddar and less attracted to softer cheeses. Cheese does not have a high sugar content and is full of fat, so these are easily digestible by the sparrows, giving them enough energy.

Fat and protein are two essential nutrients for birds, and cheddar cheese is a good source of both. Therefore, you can now safely give your birdies a taste of cheese on the countertop of the feeder. what do sparrows like

Do Sparrows Like Corn?

Cracked corn is a popular food source for many ground-feeding birds like doves and sparrows. It is a good source of nutrients for sparrows, and they will often eat it when it is available.

Corn is not the only thing that sparrows like to eat, but it is a significant part of their diet. If you see a sparrow eating corn, it is likely because they are hungry and looking for a nutritious meal. 

Do Sparrows Like Dandelions?

Dandelions are a great source of nutrients for sparrows. The seeds are high in fat and protein, which help the birds stay healthy and energized. Dandelions also provide essential vitamins and minerals that help sparrows remain strong and keep their feathers in good shape.

Sparrows may eat the dandelion seeds as they fly by. Check out this youtube video of a white-crowned sparrow devouring dandelion seeds.

Do Sparrows Like Fruit?

Sparrows like fruit, but they also eat seeds, berries, and bugs. In the wild, sparrows have been known to eat various fruits, including grapes, bananas, oranges, strawberries, and raspberries.

Sparrows are not particularly picky and will often eat whatever fruit is available. However, they prefer softer fruits such as grapes and bananas over harder fruits like apples and pears.

Do Sparrows Like Grapes?

It turns out that sparrows actually enjoy eating grapes! They seem to prefer them over other harder types of fruits. This is likely because grapes are small and easy for sparrows to eat. Plus, they contain a lot of sugar, which is a favorite for these birds. 

Grapes come in different colors and sweetness, but what do sparrows like more? They like to peck and eat whatever comes off the ground, especially cracked seeds and tiny chunks of food. If a grape is seedless, sparrows will eat them without a doubt.

Do Sparrows Like Mealworms?

Sparrows like mealworms over other insects, dried or alive. They mainly eat this from the suet mixed with mealworms in the feeder. The larvae of beetles are also known as mealworms, making them an excellent source of protein for birds.

Many factors can affect what sparrows eat, including the availability of food and the time of year. In general, sparrows will eat whatever insect is most plentiful. Mealworms may be a more common food source than other insects like grasshoppers and crickets. 

Do Sparrows Like Millet?

Sparrows love millet as it is small and easy for them to peck and eat. They don't waste time cracking open a hard shell to get to the good stuff. And because millet is packed with nutrients, it gives them the energy required to fly and build their nests.

But there's more to it than that. Sparrows also seem to enjoy the taste of millet. Many bird enthusiasts believe it's the tastiest of all the bird seeds! So if you're looking to attract sparrows to your yard, include some millet in your bird seed mix.

Do Sparrows Like Oats?

One of the most popular foods for sparrows is oats. They are especially fond of rolled oats, which they often take right off the ground or straight from the bird feeder. Sparrows also enjoy eating insects and tiny seeds, so a mix of oats and insectivore food is ideal for them.

You may even find that they start visiting more often if you leave a bowl of water and some rolled oats in the feeder for them! 

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Bird lovers are an intelligent flock that tend to love reading. Here's a page of ours that highlights some of our favorite books about birds that you can get from Amazon.com for cheap (pun intended)

Do Sparrows Like Oranges?

It turns out that sparrows enjoy eating orange slices just as much as people do! This is likely because citrus fruits contain nutrients that help the sparrow stay healthy and fit. The bright color of the orange also attracts them to show up for a treat.

Make sure you include some orange slices in those feeders to attract and feed house sparrows flying around. 

Do Sparrows Like Peanuts?

Sparrows enjoy eating crushed peanuts and will often eat them right out of your hand! Being a good source of protein and fat, peanuts help sparrows stay warm in winter. Also, whole peanuts are harmful to sparrows due to choking hazards.

Peanuts are a good source of energy for sparrows. If you want to attract one to your yard, you can try putting out a bird feeder with crushed peanuts. In no time, the feeder will be emptied if you have sparrows around!

Do Sparrows Like Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is not a natural food for sparrows, so they may not be attracted to it. However, some bird experts believe that the sweetness of peanut butter may tempt sparrows as it contains the peanut flavor.

You could try putting out peanut butter to see if the birds are interested in it and if they start coming to your yard more often. 

Do Sparrows Like Strawberries?

Sparrows do enjoy eating strawberries. Not only do they eat the fruit, but they also help to spread the seeds around, which helps to grow more strawberries. This is good news for farmers, as it means that there is another way to help ensure a good strawberry crop.

Sparrows are more likely to eat ripe strawberries than unripe ones. They may use smell or sight to determine ripeness. what do sparrows like

Do Sparrows Like Suet?

Suet is a type of bird food that is made from beef or mutton fat. It is usually mixed with other ingredients like cornmeal, oats, and seeds. Sparrows are attracted to the high-fat content in suet and will often visit feeders that offer this type of food. 

If you're looking to attract sparrows to your yard, offering suet is a great way to do it. While you may not see sparrows at your feeder daily, they will take advantage of a suet feeder if one is available.

Do Sparrows Like Sunflower Seeds?

Sunflower seeds are a great source of protein for sparrows. In the wild, sparrows primarily eat insects and other small invertebrates. But during the winter months, when food is scarce, sunflower seeds can help them survive.

In addition to being a good source of protein, sunflower seeds are also high in fat. This is important for sparrows because they need to maintain their body temperature during cold winters. The fat in sunflower seeds helps keep them warm and gives them the energy to fly.

Do Sparrows Like Watermelon?

Watermelon is not a natural food source for sparrows, so they are not likely to seek it out. However, if the watermelon is available, sparrows may try it and find that they like it.

Watermelon may not be the first thing you think of when you think of bird food, but it could be a nice treat for your feathered friends. If you have some extra watermelon, consider offering it to the sparrows in your yard but, of course, without the seeds, and see if they show any interest. 

Do Sparrows Like Water?

Unlike other birds, sparrows typically bathe in shallow water dishes or puddles. They will also dip in larger bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers. Wild sparrows have even been known to swim!

Birds bathe to preen their feathers, remove parasites, and stay clean. In addition, bathing is a way for sparrows to cool off on hot days.

What Do Sparrows Like
Inedible Things A-Z…

Do Sparrows Like Bird Baths?

While sparrows don't seem to be particularly fussy when it comes to bird baths, there are a few things that they seem to prefer. For one, the bath should be shallow. Sparrows aren't big fans of getting wet, so they like to keep their baths on the shallower side.

Sparrows like to perch on something while bathing, so if you can put the bath on a small ledge or bird feeder post nearby, your sparrow friends will be much more likely to use your bird bath.

Learn More Sparrow 1

What sparrow doesn't like a good bath? Having a bird bath in your yard is a good way to attract not only sparrows, but other birds as well. Read our bird baths that attract sparrows for some great suggestions!

Do Sparrows Like Bird Houses?

It turns out that sparrows do like birdhouses but don't use them the way other birds do. Although sparrows can build their nests in birdhouses, they prefer to make them in other places, such as trees or on the ground.

Sparrows like birdhouses because they provide a safe place for them to raise their young. Bird houses also protect the sparrows from predators and the weather.

Do Sparrows Like Humans?

Humans provide the perfect habitat for sparrows and the birds couldn't be happier. Sparrows are also drawn to the places we live because we provide them with food, warmth, and protection.

House sparrows are one of the most common bird species in the world, and they're found in every continent except Antarctica.

Do Sparrows Like Mirrors?

Experts believe that sparrows are attracted to mirrors because they provide a novel form of visual stimulation. They don't just approach mirrors but also interact with them by pecking at them and trying to see their reaction.

It's not clear why the sparrows are so fascinated by mirrors, but they may mistake them for another bird.

Do Sparrows Like Music?

A recent study found that when sparrows heard birdsong, their brains showed increased activity in regions associated with reward and pleasure. This suggests that birds may enjoy listening to other birds just as we want to listen to music.

We love music due to its calming effect, and it’s now been discovered that white-throated sparrows love birdsong for the same reason. This research provides new insight into how birds process auditory information and could help us better understand the evolution of communication in animals.

Learn More Sparrow 4

The topic of do birds like music is a fascinating one which we felt deserved deeper treatment. Be sure to check out this article of ours which we've written here.

Do Sparrows Like the Rain?

Sparrows often live in damp habitats like marshes or wet meadows in the wild. So you would think they would like the rain, but it turns out sparrows don't like getting wet. When it rains, sparrows spend more time huddled together in groups and stop singing as much.

The rain makes it harder for them to find food. When it's raining, there are fewer insects for them to eat. That's why the sparrows are mostly afraid when it rains, as it causes a lot of stress to them, and they can't roam around freely as they also need to seek shelter for protection.

Do Sparrows Like Shiny Things?

Sparrows do not prefer shiny objects like mynahs, crows, blue jays, and magpies. They might get attracted to shiny things while building up their nests, but they do not like them much.

Sparrows are known to collect shiny bits of metal, glass, and even plastic to line their nests. It's not entirely clear why they do this, but the sparkling objects likely help attract mates or ward off predators. 

Do Sparrows Like Snow?

Sparrows don't like snow because they are small birds and can get cold quickly. In addition, snow makes them unable to fly around in search of food.

As they tend to congregate in areas with food and shelter, sparrows might struggle to find food during winter. But if they are warm and have food access, they may enjoy the winter wonderland just like the rest of us. 

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Check out these other articles of ours about sparrows
Do Sparrows Migrate? We cover this topic in detail.
Why Do Sparrows Abandon Their Nests? It's not why you might think.

What Do Sparrows Like?...Conclusion

So, when all is said and done, what do sparrows like?  Well, as we’ve established, these interesting creatures are quite the opportunists when it comes to food. 

They’ll eat just about anything they can find, including insects, seeds, fruits, and berries. The sparrow’s flexibility in terms of diet is likely what has helped them become one of the most widespread bird species in the world. 

So next time you see a sparrow, take a moment to appreciate all that this humble bird has to offer. 

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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