What Do Birds Like?

Do They Like (or Hate) Certain Foods
Or Certain Things Over Others?

By Richard Worden

Have you ever looked out your window and found birds perched on your windowsill? You should consider yourself lucky because these tiny animals don’t perch just anywhere. So, if you want to attract more birds in your backyard or garden, you have to find out: “What do birds like?”.

Birds like food the most. They gravitate towards places where they can find something to eat, whether that be natural or supplemental. Note, though, that different bird species have different tastes in food.

If you’re an avid birdwatcher, someone who enjoys the sound of birds chirping about, or someone who simply wants to shoo pests away without using any chemicals, you’ll want birds to keep coming to your home. In this article, I’m going to take you through everything you need to know about what birds like, so you can make your home a more attractive place for them.

what do birds like

Do Birds Like Apples?

Birds do like apples. You can either have whole apples lying around or cut them into thin slices that will make it easier for birds to nibble. Birds enjoy almost any type of fresh fruit. Remember to take the seeds out, though, because these are toxic to birds.

You don’t have to peel the apples or remove the core if you don’t have the time for it. Most birds, such as mockingbirds, will eat apple skins with relish.

Do Birds Like Bread?

Birds do like bread and will eat it without hesitation if it’s available. However, that doesn’t mean that you should regularly give birds bread, especially the typical sliced white bread. Feeding bread to birds can cause health issues, such as obesity and lethargy.

White bread has very little protein that birds need and tends to fill birds’ bellies quickly without providing sufficient nutrition.

Do Birds Like Strawberries?

Birds like strawberries and other fresh fruits. These are tasty treats that are packed with nutrients that are essential for their growth, development, and overall health. In particular, strawberries are rich in potassium, which helps keep bird bones strong, and Vitamin C, which reduces stress.

Do Birds Like Sunflower Seeds?

Most birds like sunflower seeds. It’s a type of seed that attracts the most bird species. However, while sunflower seeds seem to be many birds’ favorite, some species turn away from them. These include European starlings and house sparrows.

In the wild, smaller birds usually eat the sunflower leftovers of larger birds. However, keep in mind that other animals, like raccoons and squirrels, are attracted to these seeds, too. So if you don’t want other animals to get to your birds’ food first, you could install a squirrel baffle on your bird’s feeder.

Do Birds Like Almonds?

Birds like almonds. Almonds are usually among the nuts that birds typically eat in the wild and are among the best foods for an energy boost. They are nutritious and filling, perfect for birds like woodpeckers, nuthatches, and jays.

So, if you’re wondering, “What do birds like?” almonds are a safe, fool-proof choice.

Do Birds Like Music?

Birds do like music, just like humans do. They usually prefer more relaxed sounds, like classical music and soft pop. Most birds tend to get disturbed by loud or sudden noises, which is why most don’t enjoy rock or electronic dance music.

If you want to attract birds into your garden, you can play soft music, making sure that the volume is set at a minimum so that it doesn’t become disturbing to them. If you do have pet birds, try to observe how they react to the music. 

When birds enjoy the sounds being played, they will appear calm and communicative. However, if they don’t like what they hear, they will want to fly away or become agitated. what do birds like

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So how much do birds like music? This was such an interesting topic that we wrote an entire article dedicated to just that...Read it here

Do Birds Like Watermelon?

Birds like watermelon, which is a tasty source of nutrients and energy. To feed birds watermelon, cut it into small pieces, and wait for birds to gather around and start pecking. Although most birds will naturally avoid the rinds, you could also remove them, as they are toxic to birds.

If you don’t want the rinds to go to waste, you can remove them before placing the watermelons in your bird’s feeder and use the rind to make pickles.

Do Birds Like Amaranth?

Birds like grains like amaranth. And it’s not just the seeds that they like to eat, either. They also eat its leaves. Bees and butterflies also like amaranth because it’s a nutritious food that can be a great source of energy.

Other similar foods that birds love to eat are quinoa, flax, and chia seeds. These are very healthy, easy to digest, and lightweight enough for their tummies while also being filling. what do birds like

Do Birds Like Avocados?

Some birds like avocados, but they shouldn’t eat them, especially in large quantities. Avocados contain a substance called persin that, when ingested by birds, may cause heart damage and respiratory problems.

It’s not yet clear exactly how much of this fruit birds can eat without suffering health issues. And it’s best not to risk feeding these to birds because they can sometimes even cause death

Some wild birds have been found to safely consume avocados that grow in the wild. However, it’s not yet known which avocado varieties are safe and which bird species will not suffer any adverse reactions to the fruit.

Do Birds Like Affection?

Some birds will enjoy affection from humans in the form of gentle petting, especially hand-raised ones that are used to the presence of humans since birth. Be careful, though, when petting a mature female bird because you may be communicating that you are its mate.

Most birds recognize and like affection. However, the way that birds show affection for each other is seen in the way they share their food. Still, it’s important to remember that most birds, unlike dogs or cats, have wild instincts and simply won’t take to petting.

On the other hand, some birds will take to petting right away. If you want your pet bird to learn to like being petted, you can do so by slowly developing a bond with it and building trust.

Do Birds Like Asparagus?

Birds like asparagus and will hunt this vegetable in the wild. In fact, if you usually see asparagus growing on back roads, those are most likely plants that have grown from asparagus seeds that are dispersed through bird poop. 

If you’re feeding your birds asparagus for the first time, try to feed them a little bit at first and observe how they react to the food. Moreover, take note that asparagus contains a natural diuretic that can cause an upset stomach when ingested in large quantities. what do birds like

So go easy on this vegetable, and make sure that your birds have other food options!

Do Birds Like Apricots?

Birds like apricots. Most seed-eating birds enjoy eating fresh fruits, including apricots. When feeding birds this fruit, remember to take out the seeds. Most fruit seeds contain cyanide, which is highly toxic and can cause health problems in birds.

Do Birds Like Bananas?

Birds love bananas! Wild birds and hand-raised birds alike enjoy eating this fruit. To feed birds bananas, simply remove the fruit and place it in a bird feeder. You can also cut the bananas into small slices to make feeding easier.

Some birds even like eating banana peels, too, such as parrots. The peels are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and the texture of the peels is something that birds particularly enjoy.

If you’re not sure whether your bird will like the peels, simply include them in the feeder and see how your bird reacts to them. If they like the peels, these will be gone in a jiffy!

Do Birds Like Being Petted?

Birds do enjoy being petted by humans with whom they have formed a bond. It’s typically easier for a hand-raised bird to grow accustomed to being touched or petted than a wild bird, which may never grow to like being petted at all.

Still, birds have different personalities, regardless of whether they grew up in the wild or in captivity. Some wild birds are capable of forming a bond with humans and enjoy gentle petting. 

When petting a bird, however, take care not to touch its eyes or approach them in an intimidating way. Try to place your hand lower than the bird’s face and give it plenty of time to become accustomed to your presence.

Do Birds Like Peanut Butter?

Birds that enjoy eating nuts will love peanut butter. It’s a common misconception that birds will choke on peanut butter–they won’t. Peanut butter is perfectly safe and nutritious for birds, and they love it!

You can simply spread peanut butter on tree bark or a feeding roll or mix it with nuts. Birds will flock to the feeder in no time. If you want to make the food even more appealing, you can use crunchy peanut butter with peanut bits.

Do Birds Like Watching TV?

Birds like watching TV. Birds are naturally curious about their surroundings, which is why they enjoy watching TV. Different sounds, colors, and pictures are very interesting to birds, so if you want to keep a pet occupied at home, you can leave the TV on at a low volume.

In the wild, it’s also natural for birds to watch how other birds and animals behave. This is their way of learning about their surroundings.

Moreover, pet birds who have formed a bond with their owners enjoy watching TV with their humans. what do birds like

Do Birds Like Blueberries?

Many bird species, including starlings and robins, like eating blueberries. Like strawberries and raspberries, blueberries are a nutritious food for birds. They are a rich source of vitamins and are quite delicious too!

Unfortunately for blueberry growers, birds like blueberries so much that they can decimate a crop quite easily. Other animals, like squirrels, like this food too. So if you’re leaving these berries in your bird’s feeder outdoors, make sure to install a baffle to keep other animals off your pet’s food.

Do Birds Like Bird Baths?

Birds love bird baths. It’s part of their nature to linger in places where there is easy access to water, which they can use for both drinking and grooming. While birds are innately drawn to bird baths, you can make yours extra appealing by installing a fountain.

Birds find moving bodies of water more interesting. Another way to invite birds into a new bird bath is to make it steady and stable. A hanging bird bath can look very unstable to a bird, causing them to avoid it, regardless of how thirsty they are.

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Birds like bird baths so much that we've written these helpful articles about them...
-Tips To Attract Birds To Your Bird Bath
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Do Birds Like Being Sprayed With Water?

Birds like being sprayed or misted with water, especially when you spray the water upwards so that the water falls on them the way rain would. Be careful to keep the water pressure low when doing this so as not to make it uncomfortable for them.

It’s also important to remember that some birds prefer to groom themselves instead of having someone mist them. However, with patience, you can teach birds to get used to misting. And when they become accustomed to it, it can be a fun bonding activity that you can do together.

Do Birds Like Birdhouses?

Birds in highly developed or urban areas (that do not have natural habitats) like birdhouses or nest boxes. However, birds naturally prefer to stay in natural shelters, like tree cavities and nests.

There are bird species, however, that are known to use birdhouses pretty often, such as finches, sparrows, bluebirds, and chickadees. To attract such birds, make sure that the birdhouse is clean, secured to trees, and has an attached bird bath.

You may not see birds go into man-made birdhouses right away, but during bad weather, when they are in need of a safe place to stay, birds may find such spots cozy.

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You'll have success attracting birds to your bird house or garden if you follow these tips!
How To Attract Birds To Your Garden...Read it here
Bird Houses Birds Will Use...Read it here

Do Birds Like Blackberries?

Most birds like blackberries, as well as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. These are rich sources of nutrients and are very appetizing to birds. Even blackberries that have fallen to the ground, as well as their seeds, are appealing to birds.

Berries are rich in antioxidants that give them their deep color. And because birds love them so much, it’s a good idea to plant them in your garden or around your house if you want birds to keep coming.

Do Birds Like Cinnamon?

Birds do like cinnamon, but you need to make sure to give them the right kind, or else consuming it can lead to health problems. You can give birds organic Ceylon cinnamon, which is rich in fiber, iron, and calcium.

However, giving birds too much cinnamon is a health risk because cinnamon contains coumarin, which is toxic to birds in excessive amounts and causes liver damage. If you’re not sure if you have the right kind of cinnamon in your pantry, it’s best not to feed your bird this spice at all.

Do Birds Like Corn?

Birds, especially ground-feeding species, like eating corn. It’s nutritious, filling, and tasty. Cracked corn is particularly appetizing to larger birds and ground-feeding ones alike. You can simply spread the corn on the ground or in a feeder, and the birds will get to it in no time.

Take note, though, that other animals will also attack this food–particularly squirrels! So if you have these animals around, make sure to place bird food in a secure place so that your pets have no competition.

Do Birds Like Cherries?

Birds like cherries. Larger birds can sometimes eat cherries whole, swallowing the seeds and spreading them around by defecating. When birds do this, they allow new cherry plants to grow.

Both birds in the wild and in captivity enjoy eating cherries. However, just like any other animal, birds need and want variety in their diet, so don’t forget to switch up their food every now and then–even if they seem to enjoy cherries a lot. what do birds like

Do Birds Like Humans?

Domesticated birds can like humans. However, in the wild, birds usually perceive humans as threats. Because we humans are much larger in size, they often think of us the same way they think of predators. This is why birds flee from humans.

Hand-raised birds, on the other hand, that have grown accustomed to human beings can develop an emotional attachment to those that they spend a lot of time with. With that said, birds have different personalities, and the way they respond to humans isn't solely dependent on where they were raised.

What Do Birds Like...Final Thoughts

If you want to attract a bird, the best thing you can do is to mimic their natural habitat in the wild–that means plenty of natural food, a safe place to hide from predators and other dangers, and lots of peace and quiet.

It’s also important to remember that birds thrive on different diets depending on where they live and their species. It’s best to only introduce foods that birds naturally eat in the wild. This is where this “What do birds like?” guide can come in handy.

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Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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