How Do You Attract Birds
To A New Feeder In The Winter?

By Richard Worden

Plenty of birds stay behind during the winter but can struggle to find food since it's so scarce. Many people try to help by giving the birds a new feeder during the winter, but it can seem like they just never find it. If birds just aren't seeing your feeder, you can guide them to it. So read further to learn 8 helpful tips on how do you attract birds to a new feeder in the winter.

You can attract birds to a new feeder in the winter by sprinkling seeds around the feeder, using a water source, and setting out various seeds. Keeping multiple bird feeders helps since you can set them at different heights. Once you've identified the birds, you can offer their favorite seeds.

This article will teach you how to attract birds to your feeder this winter. You can combine all these strategies to ensure they find the food you put out. Here's what you should know!

how to attract birds to a new feeder in winter time

8. Sprinkle Food Around the Feeder

After you put out a new bird feeder, you'll want to sprinkle some seeds on the ground nearby. Birds can easily see the seeds among the white snow, drawing them. Most notice the bird feeder and will start to eat from it.

Once one bird finds the feeder, more will follow.

7. Add a Source of Water

Adding a water source nearby is a great way to attract birds. If it's below freezing where you live, you'll need to use a birdbath heater to keep the water from turning into ice. However, the birds will love it since there are probably not many other water sources around.

I recommend the GESAIL Bird Bath Heater (available on if you need a bird bath heater. It comes with a built-in thermostat and is very easy to use. All you need to do is plug it in and set it in the water to prevent it from freezing. It uses a safe low-wattage, too, and comes with a reliable warranty.

Most birds will use both if they see the water and food near each other, making them stick around in your yard for longer.

6. Add Different Seeds

It also helps if you include a mixture of different seeds. Various birds prefer one seed over another, so you can attract other birds when you offer more seeds. You might be trying to set out seeds that birds who've flown south for the winter enjoy, so none of the winter birds are visiting your feeder. 

It helps to research what birds are in your area so that you can offer them their favorite snacks.

5. Set Out Multiple Feeders at Different Heights

It also helps to have a few feeders to set out. Different species of birds prefer to rest and eat at different heights. So, not many birds may visit your yard when you only have one feeder. You can keep some lower and some higher to attract more species.

Most birds find feeders between five and six feet (1.5–1.8 m), but some prefer them lower. For example, sparrows like ground-level feeders between one and five feet (0.3–1.5 m).

4. Set Feeders Out in the Fall

You'll also want to put the feeders out in the fall so birds have time to find them before it starts to snow. They're much more likely to keep using them throughout the winter since they already trust the feeder as a reliable food source.

Overall, birds like to have a routine, so keeping a feeder around always is much more comfortable.

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Heated birdbaths are a great way to attract birds to your garden, and thus, your feeder. This article of mine, Are Heated Bird Baths Good Or Bad For Birds? will tell you what you need to know.

3. Place the Feeders Carefully

Birds don't like feeling like they're too exposed. When you leave a feeder out in the open, birds are much more likely to avoid it because they're worried about predators. Instead, you should place the feeders near shrubs and trees so they have somewhere to retreat. Often, if birds ignore a feeder, it's due to it being in the middle of a yard.

It's also worth noting that you must measure the feeder's distance from your windows. If it's further than three feet (0.9 m) away, birds won't see the glass and can fly into it. You'll need to keep your feeders either further than 30 feet (9.1 m) away from your windows or closer than three feet (0.9 m). Plus, adding some stickers to the glass is good to ensure the birds can see it.

Overall, you should always consider where you're putting the feeder. Birds might see it and want to eat your seeds, but the location makes them too nervous.

2. Keep the Feeders Clean

After the birds find your feeders, you should do your best to keep them clean, or the birds can leave to find other food sources.

To clean the feeder, follow these simple steps:

  1. Empty it and remove any debris clinging to the sides. 
  2. Create a solution of nine parts water and one part bleach. 
  3. Scrub and soak the feeder, then let it completely dry before re-adding the seeds and putting them back outside. Not cleaning and changing the seeds can cause bacteria to grow on your bird food.

You should sanitize your bird feeders at least every two weeks with 9 parts water 1 part bleach. Doing so can prevent disease and ensure the birds have a safe food source. Birds don't like dirty feeders and abandon them when they find another place to eat, even in the winter.

1. Make the Feeders Comfortable

Lastly, you should try to make the feeders as comfortable as possible for your guests. Brush snow and ice off them to make a place for the birds to rest. There should be some platform for them to sit or hang on while they eat.

How Do You Attract Birds To A New Feeder In The Winter?...Final Thoughts

To summarize, there are multiple steps you can take to attract birds to your feeders this winter. They're sure to appreciate having a reliable source of food and water when it's so scarce outside. You can easily watch all the birds as they check out your feeders.

The best way to attract birds to a new feeder is to guide them by setting seeds on the ground nearby. Once one bird finds them, more are sure to follow. Then, you can also offer different seeds and put the feeders at various levels to keep the birds happy.

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Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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