Do Crows Attack Humans?

By Richard Worden

Crows are intriguing creatures—they are known for being very intelligent and have a reputation for being thieve-like and mischievous. But are they the menacing, dangerous birds some people make them out to be? Do crows attack humans?

Crows do attack humans, although it's rare. In most cases, crows will only attack if they feel threatened or if they're protecting their young. Or, sometimes, crows will mistake a human for a predator and attack in self-defense.

To understand more about crows and their behaviors, read the succeeding sections. I will discuss why crows might attack humans, what to do if these birds are attacking you, and how to avoid attracting them in the first place. I hope that this article will help clear up any misconceptions that you may have about these birds.

Do Crows attack humans?

Why Would a Crow Attack a Person?

A crow may attack a person if it feels threatened or is defending its young. It may also pounce on someone to steal food or if it thinks that person is invading its space. Attacks often occur in spring when crows need to protect their vulnerable broods from potential predators.

To further explain these reasons, let me discuss them one by one.

The Crow Feels Threatened

A crow will attack a person if it feels scared or threatened. This reaction happens when someone tries to catch the bird or gets too close to its nest. The bird may also become aggressive if you make sudden movements or loud noises near it.

In some cases, crows may also attack people who have hurt them in the past. So, if you've accidentally hit a crow with your car or done something to scare it, the bird may hold a grudge and try to get revenge by attacking you.

Crow on a perch

Crows can be intimidating with their size and the noise they make, yet, are they a good or bad thing when you see them around? This article of ours answers are Crows good or bad in your yard?

The Crow Is Defensive of Its Young

A mother crow is very protective of her offspring and will do anything to keep them safe. So, if you get too close to a crow's nest, the mother bird may attack you in an attempt to drive you away.

If you are near a crow nesting site, you should be on your guard in spring when the crows likely have young in their nests.

The Crow Is Trying To Steal Food

Crows are known for being very resourceful and will often try to steal food from humans. This behavior is most likely to occur if you're eating outdoors and the crow thinks you have something delicious.

The bird may also become aggressive if you have food that it wants but can't reach. So, if you're carrying a bag of chips or a sandwich, a crow may try to snatch it away from you.

The Crow Is Protecting Its Habitat

Crows often build their nests in trees near busy roads or urban areas—which means that they're constantly being disturbed by humans and other animals. As a result, crows can become quite aggressive when protecting their territory.

If you walk through a park or forest and see a crow's nest, it's best to give the area a wide berth. The bird may attack if it feels that you're threatening its home.

Why Do Crows Swoop at You?

Crows swoop at you because they mistake humans for predators. Usually, crows are likely to dive at people or act aggressively in spring as they are protecting their young. If you are in the vicinity of their nests, they will swoop to deter you from coming near their vulnerable brood.

In most cases, the crow will only make one pass before flying away. However, if the bird continues to swoop at you, it's best to seek shelter and wait for the bird to calm down.

Crow on a perch

Not only can Crows swoop at you, they're also LOUD! Why is this? Is this some sort of warning of imminent attack? Or is there another reason? Our interesting article will answer the question as to why Crows are so loud.

Do Crows Bite Humans?

Crows bite humans, but only in infrequent instances of defense of territory or their progeny. In most cases, a crow will only use its beak to peck or scratch at you. They have strong beaks that can deliver a painful bite if antagonized.

But still, beware of their powerful beaks. While their bites cannot cause serious injury, they can still cause bruises, cuts, and scratches. In some cases, a crow bite might even break the skin. Also, clean any wounds caused by a crow's beak to avoid infection.

Do Crows Kill Humans?

Crows don’t kill humans, but if they attack you, they will leave some marks. How bad the crow attack is will depend on why it's coming after you in the first place. If the crow tries to scare you away or get your attention for food, it probably won't leave a mark.

As I have mentioned earlier as well, crows attack humans only when they're feeling threatened. So, keep your distance if you see one of these birds. And if a crow does attack you, try to remain calm and wait for it to lose interest.

How Do You Get Crows To Stop Attacking You?

To get the crows to stop attacking you, try making loud noises—this usually scares them off and makes them think you're a threat. You can also wave your arms or use a spray bottle filled with water to scare them away. Crows don't like getting wet, so they might fly away if you do this.

Try calling animal control or the police for help if nothing else works but never try to harm a crow by throwing hard objects. After all, the bird is often only trying to defend its young.

Crow on a perch

We've learned that Crows can be aggressive to humans, but what about towards other birds? This fascinating article of ours discusses whether they're a feathered bully, or a feathered scaredy cat. So, are they aggressive to other birds? 

How Can You Avoid Attracting Crows in the First Place?

If you live in a neighborhood where crows are a problem, there are a few things you can do to keep them away from your home.

Keep Your Distance From Nests

If the crows are attacking because they feel threatened, one way to stop the attacks is to keep your distance from their nests. If you see a nest, keep at least 30 meters away from it and refrain from making abrupt movements or loud noises in its vicinity.

Don’t Feed The Crows

Another way to stop crow attacks is to avoid feeding them. If you feed crows, they associate people with food and become more aggressive in their attempts to get food from you.

Also, feeding crows can lead to them becoming dependent on humans for food and unable to fend for themselves.

Intimidate the Crows

One way to discourage crows from attacking you is to intimidate them. If a crow feels threatened, it's less likely to attack. Try waving your arms or shouting at the crow if it gets too close. Often, just making yourself look larger and more imposing will be enough to scare the crow away.

Incorporate Visual Deterrents

You can employ a variety of visual deterrents to keep crows off your property. One option is to hang up plastic owls or hawk silhouettes in your yard. These will make the crows think there's a predator in the area, and they'll be less likely to stick around.

Another option is to string up shiny objects like CDs or foil strips. These objects' reflections will startle the crows and deter them from coming too close.

Use Auditory Deterrents

In addition to visual deterrents, auditory deterrents can help keep crows away from your property. do crows attack humans

One option is to purchase a recording of crow distress calls and play it on a loop in your yard. The sound of the calls will make the crows think there's danger in the area, and they'll be less likely to stay around.

You can clap pots and pans together if you see a crow flying close to your property. The loud noise will startle the bird and make it fly away.

Keep Your Garbage Sealed From Crows

Crows are attracted to garbage because it’s an easy source of food. If you seal your trash in containers, the crows will be less likely to come around. 

Also, if you put your garbage out on the curb the night before trash day, the crows will have less time to rummage through it and make a mess.

If you're having problems with crows feeding on your trash, I recommend buying Wiosi's Trash Can Lid Lock on This item ensures a firm grip and prevents animals from lifting the garbage lid, so there won't be any trash around your bin.

Trim Your Trees and Shrubs To Reduce Perches for Crows

Make sure to trim the branches of any trees on your property if you want to prevent them from hanging over your house or yard. Crows like to perch in high places, so if you make it more difficult for them to perch on your property, they’ll be less likely to stick around.

Keep Your Yard Clean

A messy yard is more likely to attract crows than a well-kept one. Be sure to clean up any fallen fruit or nuts, as these will attract crows looking for a quick snack. do crows attack humans

Also, if you have a bird feeder in your yard, keep it clean and mold-free. A dirty bird feeder is more likely to attract pests like rats, which will also attract crows.

Don’t Plant Crow-Friendly Plants in Your Garden

There are some plants that crows like to eat (e.g., corn, sunflowers, and certain berries), so it’s best to avoid planting these in your garden. If you do plant them, be sure to harvest the crop before the crows notice it.

Crow on a perch

There's many ways to repel Crows, and it's helpful to have as many options as possible incase one doesn't work. Here's an article of ours that covers many additional ways to repel Crows.

Install a Netting Barrier

If you have any plants or fruit trees that crows like to eat, one way to keep them away is to install a netting barrier around the perimeter of the plantings. This barrier will prevent crows from being able to access the food and will eventually deter them from coming back altogether.

If you need a recommendation on netting barriers, I suggest ZeeDix 2 Pack Garden Bug Net Insect Barrier Netting (available on This netting, made of high-quality mesh cloth with PE material, is easy to install and will keep bugs, birds, and other pests away from your plants.

Don't Leave Out Pet Food Bowls

As dog or cat owners, people often feed their pets outside to avoid messing inside the house. Cat and dog pellets are a much-loved treat for crows, with their high protein content. So ensure that you remove the bowls of leftover food or feed your pets indoors.  

Do Crows Attack Humans?...Conclusion

I hope this article has helped you know the answer to the question, “Do crows attack humans?” and that you learned the techniques for keeping these birds away from your property. 

Crows are intelligent creatures, so it’s essential to be creative when finding ways to deter them.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

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