Can Birds Smell Things?

We've Sniffed Out Some Fascinating Answers!

By Richard Worden

Humans have been fascinated by birds and how they interact with and perceive the world for centuries. Birds are known for their colorful plumage, superior eyesight, and, of course, their much-coveted ability to soar through the skies. And while birds aren't known for their sense of smell, research in recent times has proven that they’re far more capable of it than previously thought. 

Birds can smell things and utilize their sense of smell to forage for food, find mates, and escape danger. While birds depend less on the sense of smell compared to humans, they are capable of sniffing out specific objects or creatures if needed.

For the longest time, it was believed that a bird's sense of smell was non-existent. However, recent studies have proven otherwise, and in this article, I'll go deeper into how birds smell and what they use their sense of smell for.

can birds smell things

What Can Birds Smell?

Now we know birds can smell, although many species may not prefer it as their primary sense for interacting with the world. But what kind of scents do they pick up?

Birds use their sense of smell to pick up the scent of bird poop, pinpoint the location of possible mates, find food sources, and avoid potential danger. While not all birds have well-developed nostrils, some are capable of smelling a variety of scents.

Some species even give off scents of their own which help others of their species detect their location.

How Far Can Birds Smell?

While most birds can smell, few tend to use their olfactory senses as much as their highly developed sense of sight and touch. However, some birds are capable of smelling things that are pretty far away.

Some birds can smell things almost a mile away (1.6 km) if the scent is strong enough. The albatross is capable of smelling scents up to 12 miles (19 kilometers) away and usually follows the smell of fish and krill over vast expanses of the ocean.

It's crucial to remember that not all birds can smell so far, and the albatross is unique in that regard. In fact, it's hard to imagine how a bird can pinpoint the location of food using only smell over the open ocean.

Can Birds Smell Humans?

Most dogs can recognize their owners by scent or the sound of their voice. You're probably wondering if birds can do the same.

Birds can't distinguish humans by smell and rely on their sense of sight or hearing to identify certain humans. While some birds have a keen sense of smell, this sense is usually tuned to specific scents and not for detecting humans.

Their inability to smell humans is probably why city dwellers can so easily catch pigeons and other urban birds.

Here's an interesting YouTube video about whether birds can smell which we thought you'd like...

Can Birds Smell Water?

Most land animals can detect a water source using smell alone, which is how they navigate and live in harsh environments. You've probably seen birds stopping at bird baths to rehydrate and wondered if they can smell the water.

Birds can't smell water and are incapable of tasting it, either. Most birds get their hydration from the food they eat, like insects, nuts, and fruits. When birds need to drink water, they search for it using their sight or listening to the sound of moving water.

This inability to smell water is true for all birds, and if you have a bird bath, it's best to keep it out in the open where birds can see it.

Can Birds Smell Their Nest?

Most birds build nests to safely raise their young until maturity. And while birds have a decent sense of smell, it's unclear whether they use it to locate their nests. can birds smell things

Birds can smell their nests from closer distances and identify the correct nest using this sense. To locate their nest, birds have highly-developed navigational skills that rely on the position of the sun and the earth's gravitational field to help them find their way back home.

So while birds with a well-developed sense of smell should be able to use it to find their nest, they rely on more developed senses to navigate their way back.

Learn More General 5

Birds have other senses than smell. In this article about the different bird senses, we've written in depth on all of them. Check out this article of ours here.

Can Birds Smell Humans on Their Babies?

You've probably heard how mother birds will reject or abandon their young if the fledglings have been handled by human caretakers. And as such, most people are cautious of their interactions with baby birds.

Birds can't smell humans on their babies as they cannot discern the smell of humans, among other scents. Therefore, a bird will not abandon her babies if they are touched by humans but may abandon them if the nest is disturbed too much.

Most animal parents are unlikely to abandon their young and will go to great lengths to protect them. So even if you have touched a fledgling, the mother will welcome the baby back into her nest. However, birds are susceptible to disturbances in their environment, and some will relocate their nest if it has been extensively disturbed by humans.

Incase there is a relocation, a few species may even decide to abandon their young when they move. can birds smell things

Can Birds Smell Cats or Dogs?

If you have a feathered pet at home along with other animals, your bird is likely aware of the other pets. And some cats will even sneak up on birds for a quick meal. How do birds avoid such dangers?

Birds can smell cats or dogs as both animals are potential threats to a bird and can be regarded as predators. Most birds are able to sense predators in their environment and can quickly detect their presence using smell.

Can Birds Smell a Bird Feeder?

Many of us like to keep a seed mix outdoors so we can enjoy a steady stream of feathered visitors who make the backyard come alive with their presence. And while birds seem to flock to feeders, how do they detect the food?

Birds can't smell a bird feeder and rely on their sense of sight to locate the feeder containing food. Birds can also find a feeder by listening to the excited sounds of other birds who have located food.

When a bird lives in a specific territory, they're bound to explore it extensively using its sense of sight and hearing. You can test how a bird spots a bird feeder by mixing up the seeds you place in it.

Start by setting up a few different feeders and placing various seeds in each. Please take note of the feeder the birds visit most, as they will eventually figure out which seed mix tastes best to them. 

Now you can change how you place the feeders by putting them in different locations. You can even take out the seed mixes and change which feeders they're set in. You'll notice that the birds continue to visit their favorite combination of seeds irrespective of the feeder it's placed in, proving that they rely more on eyesight than smell to locate certain foods.

Can Birds Smell if You Touch Their Nest?

As mentioned in a previous section, of this Can Birds Smell Things article, birds cannot distinguish human smells from other scents in their surroundings.

Birds can't detect if you've touched their nest using their sense of smell. They can tell their nest has been disturbed by its appearance once they return. And most birds will relocate their homes if the nest is disturbed as it signals potential dangers in the future.

Learn More General 1

Senses can go beyond the typical sight and smell and maybe even border more on intuition. Check these articles of ours here to see what we mean...
Do Birds Sense Danger?...if so, how?
Bird Vision...How much can they see?

Which Bird Has the Best Sense of Smell?

We've mentioned throughout the article that certain birds rely on their sense of smell more than others. While most birds rely on eyesight and hearing above all else, some birds have such a keenly developed sense of smell that they require it in their daily lives.

Turkey Vultures are known to have the best sense of smell among birds and are capable of smelling food more than a mile away. These birds feed primarily on carcasses and locate decaying bodies using their superior sense of smell rather than eyesight.

Turkey vultures have such a finely attuned sense of smell that they can pinpoint the location of rotting carcasses within minutes, even if other elements cover the body. Their ability to smell is why black vultures (who lack a well-developed sense of smell) follow their close cousins around all day so they can share the meals.

Rotting bodies give off a chemical called ethyl mercaptan that Turkey vultures are extremely sensitive to. In fact, their ability to detect this smell is so strong that some natural gas companies rely on Turkey vultures to pinpoint gas leaks in their pipelines. This detection is possible because natural gas companies add ethyl mercaptan to the gaseous mix.

Besides Turkey Vultures, albatrosses and kiwis also possess a keen sense of smell.

Can Birds Smell Things?...Final Thoughts

Birds are capable of smelling to varying degrees depending on the species of bird in question. While all birds can smell to a certain extent, only some species use their sense of smell in their daily workings.

Most other birds primarily use their eyesight and hearing to interact with the world around them.

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About the Author...

Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.

  1. We Know Birds HOME
  2. Bird Senses and How They Use Them
  3. Can Birds Smell Things?